Fingerprinting Locations Help
Preferred Live Scan Locations
Preferred locations provide the fastest service by electronically transmitting fingerprints to National Background Information. Preferred Live Scan Locations may provide other background check services such as passport photos and drug testing services.
Preferred Live Scan Locations are not available in all areas. Live Scan operators may contact us for information about becoming a National Background Information preferred location.
Affiliate Fingerprinting Locations
Affiliate locations can capture fingerprints on a standard FD-258 fingerprint card for submission to the FBI. Some locations will use a live scan machine to capture the fingerprints and then print the FD-258 card. Affiliate Fingerprinting Locations may provide additional background check services.
Law Enforcement Agencies
Police departments, sheriff's offices and other government agencies provide fingerprinting services to the general public. The fingerprint cards will be returned to you for submission to National Background Information.
Fingerprinting Fees
Pricing does not include fingerprint rolling fees for mailing ink cards, or live scan fees for electronic submission.
Sorted by county
Enter city, state or zip code to view a map of nearby fingerprinting locations.
All locations – Sorted by county | |
There are no live scan locations in Kansas with electronic submission to National Background Information. The law enforcement agencies listed below provide fingerprint cards only. Pricing does not include fingerprint rolling fees, which may vary by location. | |
Allen Anderson Atchison Barber Barton Bourbon Brown Butler Chase Chautauqua Cherokee Cheyenne Clark Clay Cloud Coffey Comanche Cowley Crawford Decatur Dickinson Doniphan Douglas Edwards Elk Ellis Ellsworth Finney Ford Franklin Geary Gove Graham Grant Gray Greeley Greenwood Hamilton Harper Harvey Haskell Hodgeman Jackson Jefferson Jewell Johnson Kearny Kingman Kiowa Labette Lane Leavenworth Lincoln Linn Logan Lyon McPherson Marion Marshall Meade Miami Mitchell Montgomery Morris Morton Nemaha Neosho Ness Norton Osage Osborne Ottawa Pawnee Phillips Pottawatomie Pratt Rawlins Reno Republic Rice Riley Rooks Rush Russell Saline Scott Sedgwick Seward Shawnee Sheridan Sherman Smith Stafford Stanton Stevens Sumner Thomas Trego Wabaunsee Wallace Washington Wichita Wilson Woodson Wyandotte | |
Sorted by county Sort by city | State Index |
Allen County | |
Allen County Sheriff's Office Term of Office: thru January 2009 Iola, KS 66749 Phone: (620) 365-1400 Fax: (620) 365-1455 Humboldt Police Department 701 Bridge St Humboldt, KS 66748 Phone: (620) 473-2341 | Iola Police Department 2 W Jackson Iola, KS 66749 Phone: (620) 365-4960 Fax: (620) 365-4985 Moran Police Department 339 N Cedar Moran, KS 66755 Phone: (620) 237-4271 Fax: (620) 237-4291 |
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Anderson County | |
Anderson County Sheriff's Office 100 S Main Street Garnett, KS 66032 Phone: (785) 448-5678 | Garnett Police Department 131 W 5th Garnett, KS 66032 Phone: (785) 448-6823 |
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Atchison County | |
Atchison County Sheriff's Office 518 Parallel Courthouse Atchison, KS 66002 Phone: (913) 367-0216 | Atchison Police Department 515 Kansas Ave Atchison, KS 66002 Phone: (913) 367-5525 |
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Barber County | |
Barber County Sheriff's Office 124 E Washington Medicine Lodge, KS 67104 Phone: (620) 886-5678 Kiowa Police Department 1210 Main Kiowa, KS 67070 Phone: (620) 825-4124 | Medicine Lodge Police Department 114 West First Medicine Lodge, KS 67104 Phone: (620) 930-6573 |
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Barton County | |
Barton County Sheriff's Office 1416 Kansas Ave Great Bend, KS 67530 Phone: (620) 793-1876 Ellinwood Police Department PO Box 278 Ellinwood, KS 67526 Phone: (620) 564-3001 Fax: (620) 564-3145 | Great Bend Police Department 1217 Williams St Great Bend, KS 67530 Phone: (620) 793-4120 Hoisington Police Department 109 East 1st Street Hoisington, KS 67544 Phone: (620) 653-4995 Fax: (620) 653-2422 |
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Bourbon County | |
Bourbon County Sheriff's Office 204 S National Fort Scott, KS 66701 Phone: (620) 223-1440 | Fort Scott Police Department 1604 S National Ave Fort Scott, KS 66701 Phone: (620) 223-1700 |
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Brown County | |
Brown County Sheriff's Department 706 Utah St Hiawatha, KS 66434 Phone: (785) 742-7125 Hiawatha Police Department 413 Oregon St Hiawatha, KS 66434 Phone: (785) 742-2156 | Horton Police Department Ordinance Officer/Patrolman, James Stuart Horton, KS 66439 Phone: (785) 486-2694 Fax: (785) 486-2961 Sac and Fox Nation Police Department 401 North Arch Reserve, KS 66434 Phone: (785) 742-7190 Fax: (785) 742-7548 |
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Butler County | |
Andover Police Department 909 N Andover Rd Andover, KS 67002 Phone: (316) 733-5177 Augusta Department of Safety 2100 N Ohio Augusta, KS 67010 Phone: (316) 775-4500 Fax: (316) 775-4565 Butler County Sheriff's Office 141 South Gordy El Dorado, KS 67042 Phone: (316) 321-1650 El Dorado Correctional Facility 1737 SE Hwy 54 El Dorado, KS 67042 Phone: (316) 323-5563 | El Dorado Police Department 128 N Vine Street El Dorado, KS 67042 Phone: (316) 321-9120 Rose Hill Police Department 125 W Rosewood Rose Hill, KS 67133 Phone: (316) 776-0191 Fax: (316) 776-0260 Towanda Police Department 110 S Third Towanda, KS 67144 Phone: (316) 536-2516 |
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Chase County | |
Chase County Sheriff's Office 301 Walnut Cottonwood Falls, KS 66845 Phone: (620) 273-6313 | |
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Chautauqua County | |
Cedar Vale Police Department 702 Cedar St Cedar Vale, KS 67024 Phone: (620) 758-2951 Chautauqua County Sheriff's Office 215 N Chautauqua St Sedan, KS 67361 Phone: (620) 725-3108 | Sedan Police Department 211 W Main St Sedan, KS 67361 Phone: (620) 725-3136 |
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Cherokee County | |
Baxter Springs Police Department 121 W 11th St Baxter Springs, KS 66713 Phone: (620) 856-2112 Cherokee County Sheriff's Office 915 East Country Road Columbus, KS 66725 Phone: (620) 429-3992 | Columbus Police Department Chief Charles E Sharp #151 Columbus, KS 66725 Phone: (620) 429-1332 Fax: (620) 429-1334 Galena Police Department 210 Turner Dr Galena, KS 66739 Phone: (620) 783-5065 |
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Cheyenne County | |
Cheyenne County Sheriff's Office PO Box 613 St Francis, KS 67756 Phone: (785) 332-8880 Fax: (785) 332-8882 | St Francis Police Department 209 E Washington St Saint Francis, KS 67756 Phone: (785) 332-3330 Fax: (785) 332-3388 |
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Clark County | |
Clark County Sheriff's Office PO Box 566 Ashland, KS 67831 Phone: (620) 635-2802 Fax: (620) 635-2148 | |
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Clay County | |
Clay Center Police Department 539 Lincoln Ave Clay Center, KS 67432 Phone: (785) 632-2121 Clay County Sheriff's Department 539 Lincoln Clay Center, KS 67432 Phone: (785) 632-5601 Fax: (785) 632-3278 | Wakefield Police Department 609 Grove St Wakefield, KS 67487 Phone: (785) 461-5444 Fax: (785) 461-5887 |
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Cloud County | |
Cloud County Sheriff's Office 103 W 9th Concordia, KS 66901 Phone: (785) 243-3636 | Concordia Police Department 401 W Second St Concordia, KS 66901 Phone: (785) 243-3131 Fax: (785) 243-4727 |
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Coffey County | |
Burlington Police Department 625 S 3rd St Burlington, KS 66839 Phone: (620) 364-8757 | Coffey County Sheriff's Office 605 Neosho St Burlington, KS 66839 Phone: (620) 364-2123 |
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Comanche County | |
Comanche County Sheriff's Office 408 N Central Coldwater, KS 67029 Phone: (620) 582-2511 | Protection Police Department 108 W Walnut Protection, KS 67127 Phone: (620) 622-4548 Fax: (620) 622-4696 |
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Cowley County | |
Arkansas City Police Department 117 W Central Arkansas City, KS 67005 Phone: (620) 441-4444 Cowley County Sheriff's Office 311 E 9th Ave Winfield, KS 67156 Phone: (620) 221-5444 | Udall Police Department 110 S Main Udall, KS 67146 Phone: (620) 782-3322 Winfield Police Department 812 Millington St Winfield, KS 67156 Phone: (620) 221-5555 |
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Crawford County | |
Arcadia Police Department 106 E Race Street Arcadia, KS 66711 Phone: (620) 638-4310 Fax: (620) 638-4312 Arma Police Department 701 E Washington St Arma, KS 66712 Phone: (620) 347-4500 Cherokee City Police Department PO Box 201 Cherokee, KS 66724 Phone: (620) 457-8456 Fax: (620) 457-8466 Crawford County Sheriff's Office 225 Enterprise St Girard, KS 66743 Phone: (620) 724-8274 | Frontenac Police Department 317 E McKay St Frontenac, KS 66763 Phone: (620) 231-9216 Girard Police Department 120 N Ozark St Girard, KS 66743 Phone: (620) 724-6219 Pittsburg Police Department PO Box 611 Pittsburg, KS 66762 Phone: (620) 235-0400 |
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Decatur County | |
Decatur County Sheriff's Office 120 E Hall St Oberlin, KS 67749 Phone: (785) 475-8100 | Oberlin Police Department 107 W Commercial St Oberlin, KS 67749 Phone: (785) 475-2622 |
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Dickinson County | |
Abilene Police Department 419 N Broadway St Abilene, KS 67410 Phone: (785) 263-1212 Chapman Police Department 402 N Marshall St Chapman, KS 67431 Phone: (785) 922-6211 Dickinson County Sheriff's Office 109 E 1st St Abilene, KS 67410 Phone: (785) 263-4081 | Enterprise Police Department 206 S Factory Enterprise, KS 67441 Phone: (785) 263-8732 Herington Police Department 700 S Broadway Herington, KS 67449 Phone: (785) 258-2226 |
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Doniphan County | |
Doniphan County Sheriff's Office PO Box 32 Troy, KS 66087 Phone: (785) 985-3711 Fax: (785) 985-2573 Elwood Police Department 205 N 6th Elwood, KS 66024 Phone: (913) 365-0021 | Highland Police Department 220 W Main St Highland, KS 66035 Phone: (785) 442-3212 Troy Police Department 137 W Walnut St Troy, KS 66087 Phone: (785) 985-3711 |
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Douglas County | |
Baldwin City Police Department 811 8th St Baldwin City, KS 66006 Phone: (785) 594-3850 Eudora Police Department 840 Main St Eudora, KS 66025 Phone: (785) 542-3121 Fax: (785) 542-2804 | Lawrence Police Department 111 E 11th St Lawrence, KS 66044 Phone: (785) 830-7400 |
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Edwards County | |
Edwards County Sheriff's Office 312 Massachusetts Ave Kinsley, KS 67547 Phone: (620) 659-3636 Kinsley Police Department 721 Marsh Ave Kinsley, KS 67547 Phone: (620) 659-2426 | Lewis Police Department 221 S Main Street Lewis, KS 67552 Phone: (620) 324-5357 |
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Elk County | |
Elk County Sheriff's Office 100 N Cedar Howard, KS 67349 Phone: (620) 374-2108 | Howard Police Department 110 N Pine Howard, KS 67349 Phone: (620) 374-2546 |
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Ellis County | |
Ellis County Sheriff's Office 105 W 12th St Hays, KS 67601 Phone: (785) 625-1040 Ellis Police Department 815 Jefferson St Ellis, KS 67637 Phone: (785) 726-4462 | Hays Police Department 105 W 12th St Hays, KS 67601 Phone: (785) 625-1030 Victoria Police Department 206 Marc Wagner Drive Victoria, KS 67671 Phone: (785) 735-9354 Fax: (785) 735-9555 |
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Ellsworth County | |
Ellsworth County Sheriff's Department 212 N Kansas Ave Ellsworth, KS 67439 Phone: (785) 472-4416 Ellsworth Police Department 207 N Kansas Ave Ellsworth, KS 67439 Phone: (785) 472-5110 | Wilson Police Department 2511 Avenue F Wilson, KS 67490 Phone: (785) 658-2444 |
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Finney County | |
Finney County Sheriff's Office 304 N 9th St Garden City, KS 67846 Phone: (620) 272-3700 | Garden City Police Department 304 N 9th St Garden City, KS 67846 Phone: (620) 276-1300 |
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Ford County | |
Dodge City Police Department 110 W Spruce St Dodge City, KS 67801 Phone: (620) 225-8126 | Ford County Sheriff's Office 507 Ave L Dodge City, KS 67801 Phone: (620) 227-4590 |
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Franklin County | |
Franklin County Sheriff's Office 220 S Beech St. Ste. A Ottawa, KS 66067 Phone: (785) 229-1200 Ottawa Police Department 715 W 2nd Street Ottawa, KS 66067 Phone: (785) 242-2561 Fax: (785) 242-2564 | Richmond Police Department PO Box 174 Richmond, KS 66080 Phone: (785) 304-0858 Fax: (785) 835-6240 Wellsville Police Department 730 S Main Wellsville, KS 66092 Phone: (785) 883-2691 |
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Geary County | |
Geary County Sheriff's Office 826 N Franklin St Junction City, KS 66441 Phone: (785) 238-2261 Grandview Plaza Police Department Ken Hall Grandview Plaza, KS 66441 Phone: (785) 762-4271 Fax: (785) 238-1495 | Junction City Police Department 210 E Ninth St Junction City, KS 66441 Phone: (785) 762-5912 |
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Gove County | |
Gove County Sheriff's Office 420 Broad St # 101 Gove, KS 67736 Phone: (785) 938-2250 | Quinter Police Department 409 Main St Quinter, KS 67752 Phone: (785) 754-3345 |
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Graham County | |
Graham County Sheriff's Office 410 N Pomeroy St Hill City, KS 67642 Phone: (785) 421-2107 | Hill City Police Department 205 N Pomeroy St Hill City, KS 67642 Phone: (785) 421-2244 |
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Grant County | |
Grant County Sheriff's Office 210 E Central Ave Ulysses, KS 67880 Phone: (620) 356-3500 | Ulysses Police Department 210 E Central Ave Ulysses, KS 67880 Phone: (620) 356-3500 |
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Gray County | |
Cimarron Police Department 119 S Main Cimarron, KS 67835 Phone: (620) 855-2215 | Gray County Sheriff's Office 300 South Main Cimarron, KS 67835 Phone: (620) 855-3916 Fax: (620) 855-3116 |
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Greeley County | |
Greeley County Sheriff's Office 208 E Harper Tribune, KS 67879 Phone: (620) 376-4233 | |
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Greenwood County | |
Greenwood County Sheriff's Office 311 N Main Eureka, KS 67045 Phone: (620) 583-5568 | |
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Hamilton County | |
Hamilton County Sheriff's Office 103 W Avenue C Syracuse, KS 67878 Phone: (620) 384-5616 | |
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Harper County | |
Anthony Police Department 202 S Bluff Anthony, KS 67003 Phone: (620) 842-3134 Harper County Sheriff's Office 115 E Steadman Anthony, KS 67003 Phone: (620) 842-5135 Fax: (620) 842-3251 | Harper Police Department 201 W Main Harper, KS 67058 Phone: (620) 896-2853 |
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Harvey County | |
Burrton Police Department Dave Becker Burrton, KS 67020 Phone: (620) 463-4444 Fax: (620) 463-3197 Halstead Police Department 303 Main Street Halstead, KS 67056 Phone: (316) 835-2266 Harvey County Sheriff's Office 120 E 7th St Newton, KS 67114 Phone: (316) 284-6960 Hesston Police Department 444 N Lancaster Hesston, KS 67062 Phone: (620) 327-2020 | Newton Police Department 120 E 7th St Newton, KS 67114 Phone: (316) 284-6030 Fax: (316) 284-6130 North Newton Police Department 2601 N Main North Newton, KS 67117 Phone: (316) 283-3191 Sedgwick Police Department 511 N Commercial Sedgwick, KS 67135 Phone: (316) 772-5151 Walton Police Department 122 Main Walton, KS 67151 Phone: (620) 837-3252 Fax: (620) 837-3252 |
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Haskell County | |
Haskell County Sheriff's Office 300 S Inman St Sublette, KS 67877 Phone: (316) 675-2289 | |
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Hodgeman County | |
Hodgeman County Sheriff's Office 500 Main Street, 3rd Floor Jetmore, KS 67854 Phone: (620) 357-8391 Fax: (620) 357-8300 | |
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Jackson County | |
Circleville Police Department 210 Mill Street Circleville, KS 66416 Phone: (785) 924-3814 Holton Police Department 301 W 4th St Holton, KS 66436 Phone: (785) 364-2174 | Jackson County Department of Corrections 210 US Hwy 75 Holton, KS 66436 Phone: (785) 364-4121 Jackson County Sheriff's Office 210 US Highway 75 Holton, KS 66436 Phone: (785) 364-2251 |
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Jefferson County | |
Jefferson County Sheriff's Office 1360 Walnut Oskaloosa, KS 66066 Phone: (785) 863-2765 Nortonville Police Department 407 Main Street Nortonville, KS 66060 Phone: (913) 886-2060 Fax: (913) 886-3070 | Perry Police Department 115 Elm Street Perry, KS 66073 Phone: (785) 597-5613 Valley Falls Police Department 303 Oak St Valley Falls, KS 66088 Phone: (785) 945-3434 |
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Jewell County | |
Jewell County Sheriff's Office 307 N Commercial Mankato, KS 66956 Phone: (785) 378-3194 | |
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Johnson County | |
Fairway Police Department 5252 Belinder Rd Fairway, KS 66205 Phone: (913) 262-2364 Gardner Police Department 440 E Main Street Gardner, KS 66030 Phone: (913) 856-7312 Johnson County Sheriff's Office 27747 W 159th St New Century, KS 66031 Johnsons County, KS Sheriff's Department 27747 W 159th St. Olathe, KS 66061 Phone: (913) 782-0720 Leawood Police Department 9617 Lee Blvd Leawood, KS 66206 Phone: (913) 642-5555 Lenexa Police Department 12500 W 87th St Pkwy Lenexa, KS 66215 Phone: (913) 477-7300 Merriam Police Department 9010 W 62 St Merriam, KS 66203 Phone: (913) 322-5560 Mission Police Department 6090 Woodson Rd Mission, KS 66202 Phone: (913) 722-0697 | Overland Park Police Department 12400 Foster Overland Park, KS 66213 Phone: (913) 895-6000 Prairie Village Police Department 7710 Mission Rd Prairie Village, KS 66208 Phone: (913) 642-6868 Roeland Park Police Department 4600 W 51st St Roeland Park, KS 66205 Phone: (913) 677-3363 Shawnee Mission School District Police Department 7235 Antioch Road Overland Park, KS 66204 Phone: (913) 993-6452 Shawnee Police Department 6535 Quivira Rd Shawnee, KS 66216 Phone: (913) 631-2155 Spring Hill Police Department 302 N Jefferson Spring Hill, KS 66083 Phone: (913) 592-2700 Westwood Police Department 4700 Rainbow Blvd Shawnee Mission, KS 66205 Phone: (913) 362-3737 |
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Kearny County | |
Kearny County Sheriff's Office 106 E Washington Lakin, KS 67860 Phone: (316) 355-6211 | |
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Kingman County | |
Kingman County Sheriff's Office 120 Spruce St Kingman, KS 67068 Phone: (620) 532-5133 | Kingman Police Department 120 N Spruce St Kingman, KS 67068 Phone: (620) 532-3138 |
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Kiowa County | |
Kiowa County Sheriff's Office 200 E Wisconsin Greensburg, KS 67054 Phone: (620) 723-2182 Fax: (620) 723-3328 | |
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Labette County | |
Altamont Police Department 407 S Huston Altamont, KS 67330 Phone: (620) 784-5582 Fax: (620) 784-5714 Chetopa Police Department 104 Maple Chetopa, KS 67336 Phone: (620) 236-7311 Labette County Sheriff's Office 718 5th St Oswego, KS 67356 Phone: (620) 795-2565 | Oswego Police Department 703 Fifth St Oswego, KS 67356 Phone: (620) 795-2131 Parsons Police Department 217 N Central Parsons, KS 67357 Phone: (620) 421-7060 |
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Lane County | |
Lane County Sheriff's Office 144 S Lane Dighton, KS 67839 Phone: (620) 397-2828 | |
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Leavenworth County | |
Basehor Police Department 2620 N 155th St Basehor, KS 66007 Phone: (913) 724-1370 Lansing Police Department 800 1st Terrace Lansing, KS 66043 Phone: (913) 727-3000 Leavenworth County Sheriff's Office 601 S 3rd Street Leavenworth, KS 66048 Phone: (913) 682-5724 | Leavenworth Police Department 601 S 3rd St Suite 2055 Leavenworth, KS 66048 Phone: (913) 651-2260 Tonganoxie Police Department 603 E 4th St Tonganoxie, KS 66086 Phone: (913) 845-2311 |
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Lincoln County | |
Lincoln County Sheriff's Office 116 N 2nd St Lincoln, KS 67455 Phone: (785) 524-4479 | |
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Linn County | |
La Cygne Police Department PO Box 600 La Cygne, KS 66040 Phone: (913) 757-3322 | Linn County Sheriff's Office 107 S 4th St Mound City, KS 66056 Phone: (913) 795-2665 |
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Logan County | |
Logan County Sheriff's Office 710 W Second St Oakley, KS 67748 Phone: (785) 672-3288 | Oakley Police Department 209 Hudson Ave Oakley, KS 67748 Phone: (785) 672-3219 |
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Lyon County | |
Emporia Police Department 518 Mechanic St Emporia, KS 66801 Phone: (620) 343-4200 | Lyon County Sheriff's Department 425 Mechanic St Emporia, KS 66801 Phone: (620) 342-5545 |
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Marion County | |
Florence Police Department 511 N Main Street Florence, KS 66851 Phone: (620) 878-4525 Hillsboro Police Department 102 S Main Hillsboro, KS 67063 Phone: (620) 947-3440 Fax: (620) 947-0172 Marion County Sheriff's Office 203 S 4th Street Marion, KS 66861 Phone: (620) 382-2144 Fax: (620) 382-3441 | Marion Police Department 112 N Fifth St Marion, KS 66861 Phone: (620) 382-2651 Peabody Police Department 300 N Walnut St Peabody, KS 66866 Phone: (620) 983-2133 |
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Marshall County | |
Blue Rapids Police Department 00 Public Square Blue Rapids, KS 66411 Phone: (785) 363-7971 Frankfort Police Department 109 N Kansas Ave Frankfort, KS 66427 Phone: (785) 292-4366 | Marshall County Sheriff's Office 107 S 13th St Marysville, KS 66508 Phone: (785) 562-3141 Marysville Police Department 207 South 10th Street Marysville, KS 66508 Phone: (785) 562-2343 Fax: (785) 562-3296 |
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McPherson County | |
Canton Police Department 104 W Allen St Canton, KS 67428 Phone: (620) 628-4313 Inman Police Department 117 S Main Inman, KS 67546 Phone: (620) 585-2108 Lindsborg Police Department 102 S First St Lindsborg, KS 67456 Phone: (785) 227-2988 | McPherson County Sheriff's Office 1177 W Woodside McPherson, KS 67460 Phone: (620) 245-1225 McPherson Police Department 1177 W Woodside McPherson, KS 67460 Phone: (620) 245-1200 Moundridge Police Department 225 S Christian Moundridge, KS 67107 Phone: (620) 345-2777 Fax: (620) 345-2877 |
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Meade County | |
Meade County Sheriff's Office PO Box 487 Meade, KS 67864 Phone: (620) 873-8765 | Meade Police Department PO Box 338 Meade, KS 67864 Phone: (620) 873-5411 |
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Miami County | |
Louisburg Police Department 5 S Peoria Louisburg, KS 66053 Phone: (913) 837-3191 Miami County Sheriff's Department 118 S Pearl St Paola, KS 66071 Phone: (913) 294-4444 | Osawatomie Police Department 509 5th St Osawatomie, KS 66064 Phone: (913) 755-2101 Paola Police Department Dave Smail Paola, KS 66071 Phone: (913) 259-3640 |
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Mitchell County | |
Beloit Police Department 114 S Campbell St Beloit, KS 67420 Phone: (785) 738-2203 | Mitchell County Sheriff's Office 114 S Campbell St Beloit, KS 67420 Phone: (785) 738-3523 |
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Montgomery County | |
Caney Police Department 100 W Fourth St Caney, KS 67333 Phone: (620) 879-2141 Cherryvale Police Department 123 W Main St Cherryvale, KS 67335 Phone: (620) 336-2400 Coffeyville Police Department PO Box 1629 Coffeyville, KS 67337 Phone: (620) 252-6160 | Independence Police Department 120 N 6th St Independence, KS 67301 Phone: (620) 332-1700 Montgomery County Sheriff's Office 300 E Main Independence, KS 67301 Phone: (620) 330-1000 |
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Morris County | |
Council Grove Police Department John Stone Council Grove, KS 66846 Phone: (620) 767-5200 Fax: (620) 767-8165 | Morris County Sheriff's Office 501 W Main Council Grove, KS 66846 Phone: (620) 767-5615 |
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Morton County | |
Elkhart Police Department 1025 Richard St Elkhart, KS 67950 Phone: (620) 697-2151 Morton County Sheriff's Department 1025 Richards St Elkhart, KS 67950 Phone: (620) 697-4313 Fax: (620) 697-2832 | Rolla Police Department 302 Washington Street Rolla, KS 67954 Phone: (620) 593-4777 Fax: (620) 593-4840 |
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Nemaha County | |
Nemaha County Sheriff's Office 212 N 6th St Seneca, KS 66538 Phone: (785) 336-2311 Sabetha Police Department 805 Main St Sabetha, KS 66534 Phone: (785) 284-2158 | Seneca Police Department 212 N 6th St Seneca, KS 66538 Phone: (785) 336-2141 |
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Neosho County | |
Chanute Police Department 2nd & Santa Fe Chanute, KS 66720 Phone: (620) 431-5768 Erie Police Department 101 N Main Erie, KS 66733 Phone: (620) 244-3611 | Neosho County Sheriff's Department PO Box 109 Erie, KS 66733 Phone: (620) 244-3888 Fax: (620) 244-3887 |
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Ness County | |
Ness County Sheriff's Office 221 W Main St Ness City, KS 67560 Phone: (785) 798-3611 | |
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Norton County | |
Norton County Sheriff's Office PO Box 70 Norton, KS 67654 Phone: (785) 877-5780 | Norton Police Department 301 E Washington Norton, KS 67654 Phone: (785) 877-5010 Fax: (785) 877-5095 |
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Osage County | |
Burlingame Police Department 101 E Sante Fe Burlingame, KS 66413 Phone: (785) 654-3329 Carbondale Police Department 202 Main Street Carbondale, KS 66414 Phone: (785) 836-7377 Lyndon Police Department 730 Topeka Ave Lyndon, KS 66451 Phone: (785) 828-3147 | Osage City Police Department 201 South 5th St Osage City, KS 66523 Phone: (785) 528-3131 Osage County Sheriff's Office 131 W 14th Lyndon, KS 66451 Phone: (785) 828-3121 Overbrook Police Department 102 W Santa Fe Trail, Box 288 Overbrook, KS 66524 Phone: (785) 665-7230 |
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Osborne County | |
Osborne County Sheriff's Office 104 S Fifth St Osborne, KS 67473 Phone: (785) 346-2001 | Osborne Police Department 128 N First St Osborne, KS 67473 Phone: (785) 346-5721 |
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Ottawa County | |
Minneapolis Police Department 209 N Sheridan St Minneapolis, KS 67467 Phone: (785) 392-3062 | Ottawa County Sheriff's Office 312 N Ottawa St Minneapolis, KS 67467 Phone: (785) 392-2157 |
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Pawnee County | |
Larned Police Department 419 Broadway Larned, KS 67550 Phone: (620) 285-8545 | Pawnee County Sheriff's Office 116 W 8th St Larned, KS 67550 Phone: (620) 285-2211 |
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Phillips County | |
Phillips County Sheriff's Office 301 State St Phillipsburg, KS 67661 Phone: (785) 543-6885 | |
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Pottawatomie County | |
Havensville Police Department 212 Commercial Street Havensville, KS 66432 Phone: (785) 889-4768 Fax: (785) 889-4918 Onaga Police Department 319 Prospect Street Onaga, KS 66521 Phone: (785) 889-4768 Fax: (785) 889-4918 Pottawatomie County Sheriff's Office 106 Main St Westmoreland, KS 66549 Phone: (785) 457-3353 | Saint Marys Police Department 412 W Bertrand Ave Saint Marys, KS 66536 Phone: (785) 437-2311 Wamego Police Department 408 Elm Street Wamego, KS 66547 Phone: (785) 456-9553 |
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Pratt County | |
Pratt County Sheriff's Office 303 S Oak Pratt, KS 67124 Phone: (620) 672-4133 | Pratt Police Department 303 S Oak St Pratt, KS 67124 Phone: (620) 672-5551 |
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Rawlins County | |
Atwood Police Department 106 S 3rd St Atwood, KS 67730 Phone: (785) 626-3833 | Rawlins County Sheriff's Office 607 Main Atwood, KS 67730 Phone: (785) 626-3208 |
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Reno County | |
Haven Police Department 118 S Kansas Ave Haven, KS 67543 Phone: (620) 465-3415 Hutchinson Police Department 210 West 1st Ave Hutchinson, KS 67501 Phone: (620) 694-2834 Nickerson Police Department 5 W Ave B Nickerson, KS 67561 Phone: (620) 422-3069 | Reno County Sheriff's Office 210 W 1st Hutchinson, KS 67501 Phone: (620) 694-2735 South Hutchinson Police Department 10 E Blanchard South Hutchinson, KS 67505 Phone: (620) 663-7104 |
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Republic County | |
Belleville Police Department 1819 L St Belleville, KS 66935 Phone: (785) 527-5655 | Republic County Sheriff's Office 1815 M St Belleville, KS 66935 Phone: (785) 527-5410 |
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Rice County | |
Bushton Police Department 217 South Main Street Bushton, KS 67427 Phone: (620) 562-3407 Chase Police Department 507 Main Street Chase, KS 67524 Phone: (620) 938-2911 Lyons Police Department 303 E Main St Lyons, KS 67554 Phone: (620) 257-2355 Fax: (620) 257-2291 | Rice County Sheriff's Department 1482 West Highway 56 Lyons, KS 67554 Phone: (620) 257-7876 Sterling Police Department 118 N Broadway Ave Sterling, KS 67579 Phone: (620) 278-2100 |
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Riley County | |
Kansas State University Police Department 108 Edwards Hall Manhattan, KS 66506 Phone: (785) 532-6412 Fax: (785) 532-7408 | Riley County Police Department 1001 S Seth Child Rd Manhattan, KS 66502 Phone: (785) 537-2112 |
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Rooks County | |
Plainville Police Department 222 W Mill St Plainville, KS 67663 Phone: (785) 434-2222 Rooks County Sheriff's Office 115 N Walnut Stockton, KS 67669 Phone: (785) 425-6312 | Stockton Police Department 115 S Walnut Stockton, KS 67669 Phone: (785) 425-6220 |
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Rush County | |
La Crosse Police Department 1105 Main St La Crosse, KS 67548 Phone: (785) 222-3535 | Rush County Sheriff's Office 715 Elm La Crosse, KS 67548 Phone: (785) 222-2578 |
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Russell County | |
Russell County Sheriff's Office 210 E 4th St Russell, KS 67665 Phone: (785) 483-2151 | Russell Police Department 339 E 8th Street Russell, KS 67665 Phone: (785) 483-2121 Fax: (785) 483-6360 |
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Saline County | |
Assaria Police Department 315 E Main St Assaria, KS 67416 Phone: (785) 667-4021 Salina Police Department 255 N 10th St Salina, KS 67401 Phone: (785) 826-7210 | Saline County Sheriff's Office 251 N 10th St Salina, KS 67401 Phone: (785) 826-6500 |
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Scott County | |
Scott City Police Department 301 Court St Scott City, KS 67871 Phone: (620) 872-2133 | Scott County Sheriff's Office 602 West 5th Street Scott City, KS 67871 Phone: (620) 872-5805 |
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Sedgwick County | |
Bel Aire Police Department 7651 E Central Park Ave Bel Aire, KS 67226 Phone: (316) 744-6000 Cheney Police Department 100 W 1st St Cheney, KS 67025 Phone: (316) 542-3173 Clearwater Police Department 129 E Ross Clearwater, KS 67026 Phone: (316) 584-2312 Colwich Police Department 310 S Second Colwich, KS 67030 Phone: (316) 796-0333 Derby Police Department 229 N Baltimore Ave Derby, KS 67037 Phone: (316) 788-1557 Fax: (316) 788-6835 Eastborough Police Department 1 Douglas Eastborough, KS 67207 Phone: (316) 682-4111 Fax: (316) 682-4193 Goddard Police Department 118 N Main St Goddard, KS 67052 Phone: (316) 794-2051 | Haysville Police Department 200 W Grand Ave Haysville, KS 67060 Phone: (316) 529-5911 Kechi Police Department 220 W Kechi Rd Kechi, KS 67067 Phone: (316) 744-6611 Maize Police Department 10100 W Grady Ave Maize, KS 67101 Phone: (316) 722-1433 Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office Gary Steed Wichita, KS 67203 Phone: (316) 383-7264 Valley Center Police Department 616 E 5th St Valley Center, KS 67147 Phone: (316) 755-7325 Wichita Police Department 455 N Main St Wichita, KS 67202 Phone: (316) 268-4111 |
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Seward County | |
Liberal Police Department 325 N Washington Liberal, KS 67901 Phone: (620) 626-0150 | Seward County Sheriff's Office 501 N Washington Liberal, KS 67901 Phone: (620) 309-2000 Fax: (620) 309-2045 |
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Shawnee County | |
Rossville Police Department 527 Pearl St Rossville, KS 66533 Phone: (785) 584-6047 Fax: (785) 584-6667 Shawnee County Sheriff's Office 320 South Kansas Ave, Suite 200 Topeka, KS 66603 Phone: (785) 368-2200 | Silver Lake Police Department 230 West Railroad Ave Silver Lake, KS 66539 Phone: (785) 582-5162 Fax: (785) 582-4508 Topeka Police Department 320 S Kansas Ave Ste 100 Topeka, KS 66603 Phone: (785) 368-9551 |
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Sheridan County | |
Hoxie Police Department 1024 Royal Avenue Hoxie, KS 67740 Phone: (785) 675-3291 Fax: (785) 675-3410 | Sheridan County Sheriff's Office 940 8th St Hoxie, KS 67740 Phone: (785) 675-3481 |
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Sherman County | |
Goodland Police Department 204 W 11th St Goodland, KS 67735 Phone: (785) 890-4570 Fax: (785) 890-4580 | Sherman County Sheriff's Office 813 1/2 Broadway Goodland, KS 67735 Phone: (785) 899-4835 |
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Smith County | |
Smith Center Police Department 119 W Court St Smith Center, KS 66967 Phone: (785) 282-6555 | Smith County Sheriff's Office 217 S Jefferson St Smith Center, KS 66967 Phone: (785) 282-5180 |
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Stafford County | |
Saint John Police Department 115 E 4th St Saint John, KS 67576 Phone: (316) 549-3443 Stafford County Sheriff's Office 209 N Broadway St John, KS 67576 Phone: (316) 549-3247 | Stafford Police Department 112 W Broadway St Stafford, KS 67578 Phone: (316) 234-5161 |
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Stanton County | |
Stanton County Sheriff's Office 208 N Chestnut Johnson, KS 67855 Phone: (316) 492-6866 | |
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Stevens County | |
Hugoton Police Department 405 East 4th St Hugoton, KS 67951 Phone: (620) 544-4959 Fax: (620) 544-4910 | Stevens County Sheriff's Office 510 S Monroe Hugoton, KS 67951 Phone: (620) 544-4386 |
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Sumner County | |
Argonia Police Department 210 S Main Street Argonia, KS 67004 Phone: (620) 435-6514 Caldwell Police Department 14 W Central Ave Caldwell, KS 67022 Phone: (620) 845-2323 Conway Springs Police Department 310 W Spring St Conway Springs, KS 67031 Phone: (620) 456-2277 Mulvane Police Department 211 N 2nd St Mulvane, KS 67110 Phone: (316) 777-4262 | Oxford Police Department PO Box 337 Oxford, KS 67119 Phone: (620) 455-3225 Fax: (620) 455-3730 Sumner County Sheriff's Office 610 East Hillside Street Wellington, KS 67152 Phone: (620) 326-8941 Fax: (620) 326-2977 Wellington Police Department 200 N C Suite 100 Wellington, KS 67152 Phone: (620) 326-3331 |
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Thomas County | |
Colby Police Department 225 N Court St Colby, KS 67701 Phone: (785) 460-4460 | Thomas County Sheriff's Office 225 N Court Ave Colby, KS 67701 Phone: (785) 460-4570 Fax: (785) 460-3877 |
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Trego County | |
Trego County Sheriff's Department 525 Warren Ave Wakeeney, KS 67672 Phone: (785) 743-5721 Fax: (785) 743-6474 | WaKeeney Police Department 525 Warren Ave WaKeeney, KS 67672 Phone: (785) 743-5711 |
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Wabaunsee County | |
Alma Police Department 326 Missouri Ave Alma, KS 66401 Phone: (785) 765-3922 Eskridge Police Department PO Box 156 Eskridge, KS 66423 Phone: (785) 449-2621 Fax: (785) 449-2217 | Wabaunsee County Sheriff's Office 215 Kansas Alma, KS 66401 Phone: (785) 765-2217 |
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Wallace County | |
Wallace County Sheriff's Office 313 N Main St Sharon Springs, KS 67758 Phone: (785) 852-4288 | |
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Washington County | |
Washington County Sheriff's Office 301 B St Washington, KS 66968 Phone: (785) 325-2293 | |
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Wichita County | |
Wichita County Sheriff's Office 411 S 4th Leoti, KS 67861 Phone: (620) 375-2723 | |
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Wilson County | |
Fredonia Police Department 128 Adams Fredonia, KS 66736 Phone: (620) 378-4152 Fax: (620) 378-2406 Neodesha Police Department 108 S 4th St Neodesha, KS 66757 Phone: (620) 325-3031 | Wilson County Sheriff's Office 925 Pierce St Fredonia, KS 66736 Phone: (620) 378-3622 |
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Woodson County | |
Woodson County Sheriff's Office 105 W Rutledge St Yates Center, KS 66783 Phone: (620) 625-8640 | Yates Center Police Department 117 E Rutledge St Yates Center, KS 66783 Phone: (620) 625-2118 |
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Wyandotte County | |
Bonner Springs Police Department 120 N Nettleton Bonner Springs, KS 66012 Phone: (913) 422-7800 Edwardsville Police Department 690 S 4th St Edwardsville, KS 66113 Phone: (913) 441-6983 | Kansas City Police Department 700 Minnesota Ave Kansas City, KS 66101 Phone: (913) 573-6000 Wyandotte County Sheriff's Office 710 N 7th St Kansas City, KS 66101 Phone: (913) 573-2861 |
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